Eliana Duarte

Eliana Duarte obtained her PhD in mathematics from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA in 2017, shortly afterwards she joined MathCore as a postodctoral researcher. During her time in MathCore she worked on problems in applied algebraic geometry with focus on Geometric Modeling and Algebraic Statistics. Together with Thomas Kahle she taught two compact courses for the PhD Fellows in MathCore titled “Theorems of the Alternative” and “The Algebra of Tensors”.
This year she obtained one of five highly coveted research fellowships awarded by the Portuguese national funding agency for science and technology FCT (Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia). Starting in October 2021, and for the next six years, she will work on her independent research project at the Centro de Matematica at Universidade do Porto.
About MathCoRe she says:
Being part of MathCore helped me prepare for the next step in my career. I was able to mentor Phd Fellows, teach advanced classes, and participate in mathematical seminars with a wide range of topics. My favourite part of MathCore is the supportive environment that it offers to young scientists like me.
Josh Maglione

Josh Maglione obtained his PhD from Colorado State University in 2017 and joined MathCoRe in April 2022 as part of Petra Schwer's working group. During his time in MathCoRe, he organized reading groups on Cluster Algebras and on Schubert Varieties as well as organizing two workshops on Unconscious Bias Training. Starting in September 2023, he will be a professor in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Galway in Ireland.
About MathCoRe he says:
My position in MathCoRe enabled me to focus on developing and expanding key aspects of my career by facilitating new collaborations and travel and by fostering academic independence. Without my experiences and support from MathCoRe I would not be where I am today.
Ester Mariucci

Ester Mariucci obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (Statistics) in Septermber 2015 at Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble, with a dissertation titled “Some asymptotic equivalence results for statistical experiments in a nonparametric framework”. She joined Mathcore in 2017 and moved to her current position as a Professor at the Department de Mathématiques at Université Versailles Saint Quentin in September 2020.
Maximilian Merkert

Maximilian Merkert obtained his PhD in the area of mathematical optimization in 2017 from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and joined MathCoRe as an associated postdoc working in the group of Sebastian Sager in the same year. During his time in Magdeburg, he worked on topics from both discrete and nonlinear optimization, with applications in the fields of mobility, logistics and medicine. This year he was offered a position as a junior professor with tenure track at the Institute for Mathematical Optimization at TU Braunschweig in October 2021.
Emily Speakman

Emily Speakman graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2017 with her PhD in Industrial and Operations Engineering. Following graduation, Emily spent two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Training Group: Mathematical Complexity Reduction (MathCoRe). Here she was able to develop and expand her research interests in the field of mixed integer non-linear optimization. In particular, using geometry as a tool for the analysis of algorithms and setting up new collaborations with software developers in global optimization. In addition, Emily was able to gain valuable teaching experience at many different levels, from running a PhD level compact course “Distances in Mathematics: Optimization” to lecturing in undergraduate courses. The experience Emily gained during her time in MathCore paid off when in September 2019 she was able to begin the next stage of her career as a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences at University of Colorado, Denver, USA.
Without the experience I gained in MathCore I don't believe I would have been able to obtain the position I'm in now; it certainly allowed me to take the next step in my career. My favorite thing about MathCore is the freedom you have to pursue your own research agenda within the structure and support of a postdoctoral position.